For a light, post-weekend-of-unhealthy eating Sunday dinner last week I made creamy carrot soup, served with simple salads and crusty wheat bread. I often avoid soup recipes because they seem like a lot of effort when you can buy a can for two or three dollars, but somehow I still seem to have amassed a whole slew of them in my recipe folder, and every time I look at them I feel guilty for having not tried them yet. So. Carrot soup can now be scratched off the list (and truth be told, it's not very often you see carrot soup on the grocery store shelves...).
As written, the recipe is okay. But with a simple addition, it was stellar! I doubled the ginger and added a bit more salt, since it seemed under-seasoned, but what really made the soup was a drizzling of balsamic reduction. It was so easy and made the soup really incredibly yummy.
If you've never made a balsamic reduction, it's super easy. Just pour some balsamic vinegar in a small pot, cook over low-medium heat (where it's steaming, but not boiling) until it's reduced down to about a third and clings to your spoon. Don't heat it too high, or you'll burn it, and don't cook too long, or your get sludge stuck to the bottom of the pot. Once it's ready, just let it cool (and it'll thicken a bit more) and drizzle artfully over the soup. Between the drizzle and the mint leaf garnish (which I also recommend), this recipe actually neared restaurant-quality!
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